By Corey Sandler
For more than 30 years we lived on a small island out to sea. We came ashore just a bit more than a year ago and now reside on the mainland, high up in a gilded tower above the North Atlantic.
It has now been a full year since the virus hit the fan, spewing disease and death and a deep freeze nearly everywhere in the world.
In that time our world contracted. Like watching a slow-motion domino topple, we saw the cancellation of eight cruises in Europe, the Middle East, South America, and Scandinavia.
We are ready, but we still don’t know when we can return to the life aquatic.
There’s hope in new vaccines, new protocols, and new leaders.
Since we cannot yet construct fully formed plans, I spent a morning looking back at fragments. I reached back twenty years or so for a starting point.
Call them Ship Shapes. Here’s the first installment; I’m hoping this series will have a limited run.

All photos copyright by Corey Sandler, all rights reserved. Contact me to obtain rights to use any image.