By Corey Sandler
We have arrived at the Port of Los Angeles; San Pedro, to be specific, about 20 miles away from L.A. but most importantly on an inlet of the Pacific Ocean.
It’s been a grand voyage, a 28-day segment of the record-setting World Cruise of the Viking Sun.
The tour began in London, crossed the pond to Atlantic Canada, headed south into the Caribbean and then down and around the bottom of South America and then up the West Coast of South America, Central America, and on to California.
We joined the ship in Valparaiso, Chile and we leave her now as she and her guests prepare to sail to Asia and then Europe and eventually back to London.
On a beautiful southern California day we crossed over the bridge from San Pedro to Long Beach and spent the morning at the spectacular Aquarium of the Pacific in the company of sharks, jellyfish, clownfish, sea turtles, penguins, and so much more.
For the past four weeks we have sailed along with the denizens of the deep. Today we got up close. Here are some photos from our visit.
Aquarium of the Pacific

Up in the Air
Upcoming is our least favorite part of the trip: airports and airplanes and lugging luggage. But we won’t put our suitcases too far from reach: more journeys await.
To new friends we met aboard, we wish safe travels until we meet again. I hope to meet you again aboard ship or in these pages.

All content by Corey Sandler, copyright 2020. All rights reserved. To contact me, please use the links on this blog.