By Corey Sandler, Destination Consultant Silversea Cruises
At the considerable risk of jinxing a remarkable run of good weather, we returned to the wondrous island nation of Malta today for a reprise of summer.
Here are some photos I took today in the late November sun.
Sailing into Valletta, Malta in the early morning.
Our ship, Silver Cloud, at the dock. And a street scene in Valletta.
The spectacular Co-Cathedral of Saint John in Valletta, with a detail from the amazing frescoes by Italian artist Mattia Preti. Figures seem to lean out from the corners toward we mere mortals below.
For more about Malta, see my earlier Blog post of October 7, 2014 by clicking below.
All photos by Corey Sandler, all rights reserved. If you would like to purchase a high-resolution image please contact me.