By Corey Sandler
When Shakespeare wrote of the “winter of our discontent” in Richard III, he was alluding to a hope for the end of unhappiness.
Martin Luther King, Jr. spoke with less sanguinity in 1963 referencing a “summer of legitimate discontent.”
Shakespeare lived through two outbreaks of the plague. And Dr. King dreamed hewing out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope.
Does it sound like I have been spending too much time in quarantine?
Without a doubt.
By this time in 2020 we had been scheduled to be in South America, then Iceland and a circle of the British Isles, and then off to the Baltic.
Instead, we make early morning masked forays into nearly deserted Boston, and I conduct late-night photo sessions from our veranda–not on a ship but 200 feet up in the air in a waterfront tower.
We’re waiting for the best of times to return.
Here are some recent photos: