By Corey Sandler
I’m tired.
Like Madeline Kahn channeling Marlene Dietrich in Mel Brooks’ masterpiece “Blazing Saddles.” Tired, tired of playing the game.
Like Ray Davies and “The Kinks.” Cause I’m so tired, tired of waiting.
Like John Lennon and “The Beatles.” I’m so tired, my mind is on the blink.
Cruising has sorta-kinda resumed, with medically curated itineraries and strange new onboard and onshore activities.
Someday, our ship will come in, when enough people take the jab thoughtfully instead of throwing them mindlessly.
We took a ferry across the harbor a few weeks ago and it felt wonderful. Next step? Perhaps a cruise…

All photos and text copyright 2021 by Corey Sandler, all rights reserved. If you’d like to obtain a copy of an image please contact me.